Conversation Piece #3

"O Grand Tour Alemão"

no petit Cabanon

8 de Outubro 2007,


CCBombarda, Rua Miguel Bombarda 285, Porto, Portugal


Conversation Piece #3

Finda a época das bienais, dos grand e petit tours, inaugurações e peregrinações,
acumulam-se catálogos, convites, press releases, informação, fotos e souvenirs.
De regresso, o petit Cabanon coloca uma questão sob a forma de brainstorm:
O que é gerado pelos grandes eventos?
Que modalidades de encontro oferecem e que formas de conhecimento podem potenciar?


"O Grand Tour Alemão"

conversa informal sobre experiências da Documenta XII e sobre o Skulptur Projekte de Munster

conversa organizada por José Maia

dia 8 de Outubro 2007, pelas 18h00m, no petit Cabanon


What is a Conversation Piece?

Petit Cabanon hosts architecture and visual culture.
It also houses an on-going video archive to be called Conversation Pieces.

Conversation Pieces are informal group portraits presenting groups of people discussing
and playing in casual interior or outdoor situations. A Conversation Piece is also a thing
which is interesting enough to spark conversation about it. By staging the conditions for
particular gatherings each Conversation Piece is a proposal of a get-together where
to expose on-going projects, research or where to discuss ideas and concepts.


What is petit CABANON?

CABANON was Corbu´s own holiday hut. By building it and gathering there his friends,
he did perform architecture. Now,
petit CABANON wants to be a meetingpoint for people
who work independently on architecture and visual culture.

petit CABANON is a host to architecture and visual culture.
(it may slightly resemble an independent art space.)

find us here:

and some more:

[+351]93 475 80 04
[ petit CABANON, CCBombarda, Rua Miguel Bombarda 285, Porto, Portugal ]
